Manly is perfect for anytime holiday, summer or winter.Even if it rains, there are great places you can visit or walk along the seaside and enjoy beautiful Manly. If you booked accommodation at a Manly hostel, you will have lots of fun, even if it rains outside.For instance, at Manly Bunkhouse, there is a huge common room where you can easily meet new people and make new friends.It is widely known the fact that hostels are extremely popular when it comes to making new friends.In fact, this is one of the main benefits of staying at a hostel, instead of a hotel.
Popular activities for rainy days
There are great ways you can spend quality time with your friends in a hostel, even if outside the weather is not too friendly. For example, playing cards is one of the most popular “activities” of international students staying at Manly Bunkhouse. Moreover, the guests are also invited to the movie evening. Foxtel (cable tv), DVD and Blue-ray are also available.People from all over the world opt for cheap accommodation Sydney and decide to stay at a hostel.The cultural diversity is huge, this is the main reason, international students and backpackers can experience different customs.Rainy days can also be great in Manly because you can spend quality time with the new people in your life.

23. Apr